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Research Practice

We’re actively supporting clinical research studies within primary care to enhance healthcare outcomes for you. Please see our poster below:

National Institute for Health and Care Records

The NHS Constitution emphasises that research is fundamental to the NHS. Clinical research acts as a vital driver of innovation, essential for maintaining and advancing high standards of patient care. Ultimately, clinical research ensures that patients gain access to new treatments, interventions, and medicines, leading to improved care at reduced costs.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Established in 2006, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) aims to enhance the nation’s health and prosperity through research. The NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) provides the NHS with the necessary infrastructure to efficiently and effectively conduct high-quality research.

Marshalls Cross Medical Centre is part of a network of practices contributing to research activities for NIHR North West Coast. To learn more about the NIHR Clinical Research Network, visit their website, Patients, Carers and the Public (

What is Primary Care Research?

The CRN Primary Care specialty collaborates with researchers and primary care practitioners, including GPs, practice nurses, pharmacists, and dentists, to facilitate successful research study delivery in the NHS. A diverse range of research studies are supported, including:

Promoting a healthier lifestyle

  • Disease diagnosis and prevention
  • Management of long-term illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension
  • Prevention of future ill-health
  • Treating common conditions such as tonsillitis or influenza
  • Benefits of Participating in GP Practice Research

Participating in research offers numerous benefits:

  • Access to new treatments
  • Enhancement of practice dimension and skills for those involved
  • National gold standard training for research
  • Mentorship and support for practice-based research

How can you help and take part?

There are several ways patients can participate in studies at Marshalls Cross Medical Centre:

  • Your doctor or nurse may discuss a particular study with you and inquire if you are interested in participating.
  • You may receive a text message from the practice inviting you to participate in research.
  • If deemed suitable, you may receive information through the post.
  • Information about ongoing studies may be available in the patient waiting room or on the surgery website, and you can express interest by contacting your GP or the Research Nurse.

All clinical research conducted at our surgeries undergoes thorough ethical approval, ensuring its appropriateness and safety. Participation is entirely voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time without explanation.

Research changes lives

Participating in research can save lives, discover new treatments, and promote longer, healthier lives for everyone. Last year, nearly three quarters of a million people took part in health and social care research.

Be part of research

You may wish to improve health and care for everyone or because someone you care about has an illness. Participating in research may enable you to try new treatments, learn more about your condition, and receive enhanced monitoring of your health.

Through the Be Part of Research website, people can search for trials and studies for specific health conditions they are interested in, at locations that are convenient for them. Ask your doctor, nurse, or healthcare professional about research opportunities, or visit our research page for links on how you can take part

NIHR Be Part of Research

Be Part of Research, the online service that makes it easy for people to find and take part in health and care research, is now available through the NHS App in England.


Page published: 7 June 2024
Last updated: 7 November 2024